New Age Server Technologies

It's no secret how quickly technology changes; you buy a product and couple of months later you find the technology in it is outdated. This fast changing technology phenomenon significantly impacts servers. A change in processor technology or OS technology or even change in architecture of motherboards is bound to impact server market.
In the last couple of years, Virtualization in some form or the other has been evolving in server technology space. Same has been the case this year too. Most of the latest developments and new technologies we are witnessing are related to virtualization.
So let's start with virtualization and take a look at some of these new technologies, hardware, and software standards.

One of the major server launch this year has been Windows 2008 Server. Initial release of Windows Server 2008 contained beta version of Hyper-V and its final version was released couple of months back. Hyper-V is a hypervisor from Microsoft, it supports 64 bit architecture and broad OS support, i.e. you can simultaneously run any OS on top of it.

Also Hyper-V can support up to 16 cores in the host machine and distribute them to the virtual machines. It also comes with Symmetric Multiprocessors support (SMP), i.e. it can support up to four multiple processors inside a virtual machine environment. Hyper-V includes new virtual switch capabilities. This means virtual machines can be easily configured to run with Windows Network Load Balancing (NLB) Service to balance load across virtual machines on different servers.
One of the main reasons why few people have not moved to virtualization even though so many solutions are available is because managing a huge pool of virtual servers can be a hard thing to do. Microsoft is going to launch new version of its System Center Virtual machine manager 2008 soon to address these issues. Currently in its beta, VMM 2008 allows users to manage virtual machines running not only on Windows Server 2008 but also on other platforms like VMware etc. VMM 2008 will support few unique features like intelligent placement, Self-service portal, Fail-over cluster support, etc.

PowerVM Technology
PowerVM is a virtualization platform from IBM for Linux, Unix, and Servers running POWER6 processors. IBM recently launched POWER6 processor. It supports features like Live Partition Mobility which allows users to move a running Linux or AIX partition from a physical server to any other compatible sever without stopping the application.
Another interesting feature in PowerVM technology is Shared processor logical partitioning (LPAR). This allows users to create virtual partitions in a machine and dynamically change allocation of resources to an application.
Also present is a Virtual I/O server which is mainly a hosting partition to provide Virtual Input and Output resources to the client partitions. Main aim of Virtual I/O server is to
reduce costs as no additional network adapters and disk drives are needed.

HyperTransport 3.1

New specification of HyperTransport 3.1 was released in the month of August. Just to refresh, HyperTransport technology is a high speed, point-to-point technology to connect processors to each other or processors to I/O or peripherals in servers, embedded systems, computers, etc. This technology is licensed by HyperTransport Technology Consortium which includes members like AMD, Cisco, Apple, Sun, etc.
HyperTransport 3.1 aims to provide improved power management and performance; this new specification will provide maximum clock speeds up to 3.2 GHz which is a significant improvement from its HTX3.0 that provides clock speeds up to 2.6 GHz.
Also the specification will provide maximum aggregate bandwidth up to 51.2 GB/s. And as per the new specification HyperTransport link can split into two links on a single connector. This enables HTX subsystem to connect to separate CPUs, and offer RAS support as well as improved clustering performance.
If you want to know more about this specification, you can find complete specification at http:// www.hyper

Dynamic Power Datacenter Manager
This is a software technology from Intel that provides thermal and power monitoring and management for servers and racks. Currently available in its Alpha, node manager will be part of Intel's upcoming Server chipset Nehalem. It allows users to perform policy-based power management for individual servers. It supports agent-less model and allows users to import data from configuration management (CMDB) or through XML model. Users can also receive custom alerts about thermal as well as power events and handle events through actions like change of power threshold.
Another interesting feature present in datacenter manger is Intelligent power capping which can automatically manage group and rack power consumption and protect from sudden power disturbances like spikes. More information about this technology can be found at

3D Datacenter
With many companies looking to outsource their datacenters or the ones who have their datacenter in another country and manage from another which is not an easy job, IBM has recently launched 3D datacenter technologies through which a virtual world of datacenter can be created which receives real time data from the real datacenter. Through this 3D virtual world, administrators can effectively manage their servers, racks and other equipment, visualize data flow, respond to events immediately etc.
3D datacenter is basically an interactive application built using virtual world technologies. This virtual world is an exact same virtual image of the real IT datacenter which can be hosted at a far off place. To link real datacenter with the virtual world one, IBM uses holographic enterprise interface, which basically is an integration middleware. This Holographic Enterprise Interface can be configured to send data, alerts, and events coming from real datacenter to virtual world.
This 3D datacenter also gives customers ability to perform simulation experiments and perform what if scenario tests. Since it is a multi-user virtual enviornment, users can also communicate with each other through instant messaging and have shared 3D experience of datacenter in real as well as simulation modes.

Windows Home Server
whether we will see Windows Home Server in India is not yet known, but our labs feel that it might come as the most innovative solution around. This is largely because our homes are slowly getting digital and as we are relying more and more on IT for various functions, there is actually a need of a solution which can manage it all.Microsoft is targeting homes with multiple PCs. Home Server will allow them to automatically back up their data and share files with friends, and in case of a PC crash restore the entire system to a previous point in time. Also with Home Server users can remotely connect to their home computers and Windows Home Server console as well as shared files and folders. It also lets you centrally monitor health of home computers running Windows Vista and XP. Media present in Windows media connect-supported devices and Xbox 360 can also be accessed through this server.

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