Create Your Own Winks and Emoticons in Windows Live Messenger

Are you tired of the same old emoticons and winks that Windows Live Messenger has to offer?Well, did you know you can make your own?

Try this:

Start the Windows Live Messenger program click on the Show Menu > Tools > Emoticons.

Click on the Create Button.

1. Click the Find Image Button, to locate the picture you want to use and click the Open Button.

2. On the second line you can type in a keyboard shortcut for your emoticon. Example: <9>).

3. On the third line you can give your emoticon a name.

When you are done click on the OK Button.

Scroll until you get to My Customize Emoticons Now, click on it to pin it; if you can't pin it, then this means you have to many of them pinned already. You can only have a maximum number of 40 emoticons pinned at a time. You will have to unpin some of them in other to pin the new ones you made.

Unpin and Re-pin Emoticons

To do this scroll up to Pin Emoticons, click on one of them and then press the Unpin button. Go back to My Customize Emoticons, click on it, and then press the Pin Button. Scroll up and your emoticons will be with the other pinned emoticons. Repeat the steps to unpin and re-pin again.

Also, if you just want to get more emoticons already made click on the Get more emoticons… link you will be redirect to a website that you can download more.

Remove or Change Emoticons

To remove an emoticon, click the Remove Button.
To make changes to an emoticons or replace it ; click the Modify Button > Find Image > Save Changes.

When you are done click the Close Button.


At this time you can not really add your own winks, but you can get more from somewhere else that fits your needs. Click on the Show Menu > Tools > Winks after window is open click the Get more Winks… link. You will be redirect to a website that you can download more.

Have fun!

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