
If you take a look through your iTunes music collection, you are bound to see more than a few songs that are misspelled, missing artist or album information, missing cover art, or my personal least favorite: a bunch of songs named Track 01, Track 02 and so on. These often come from downloading music off the Internet that doesn’t have the complete track information, or from importing mix CD’s for which iTunes cannot find the track info. Correcting all of these imperfections manually would be a near impossible task, but today I am going to show an application that makes it oh-so easy! It is called TuneUp, and it makes adding missing music information a jiffy. Let’s check it out, shall we?

1.TuneUp is a plugin that works alongside iTunes. Not only does it allow you to clean up your music collection, but it also has some other neat features as well. To begin using it, you’ll need to run the setup file from here. Simply follow the prompts, and then open TuneUp.

2.You’ll notice that TuneUp opens as a sidebar right next to iTunes. First, you will need to create an account. Simply enter your email address and password and select Start----> Program.

3.TuneUp will open just like this.

As a demonstration, I will use TuneUp to clean these three songs, although it can work with up to five hundred songs at a time. As you can see, I have absolutely no information entered for these files.

4.To clean a song, click Clean your mislabeled music in the TuneUp sidebar. Then drag the files over into the right pane.

5.Within a few seconds, TuneUp finds the song name, even though they are from different albums. It does this by searching a small snippet of the song against the Gracenote database. Since these suggestions are correct, I will select Save All.

6.Almost like magic, these three songs are transformed. Quite impressive, right?

7.Next, if you choose the Cover Art tab, TuneUp searches which albums in your music collection are missing album art, then allows you to choose from a variety of alternate covers. If you choose Save All, TuneUp will automatically select the default option. I love this feature because it allows me to take advantage of my iPod touch’s beautiful display!

8.Finally, if you start playing a song in iTunes, TuneUp will switch to the Tuniverse tab which allows you to watch the music video from YouTube, the artist’s bio, song recommendations, news and more. If you’re a fan of music videos like I am, then you need to check this out!

TuneUp Lite edition allows 100 cleans to correct mislabeled music and 50 cover art corrections. If you are interested in cleaning your entire music library check out TuneUp’s other plans. Another great idea is to clean up a family member or friend’s music library for them, because after all who doesn’t enjoy a polished collection, right?!
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