Vista System Health Report

Did you know that there's a built in diagnostic tool in Windows Vista? You can generate your very own health report for your computer that will show you what's going on inside and give you helpful resolutions to ensure your PC is running at it's peak of performance!

Here's the dish:
Go Start>Control Panel>System and Maintenance>Performance Information and Tools. Under here you'll want to select “Advanced Tools” on the left. At the bottom click “Generate a System Health Report”.

The gears will start turning immediately, and within a minute or two, a window will pop up giving you a bevy of system information to peruse.

Use the arrows to expand and collapse each field. You might see a lot of stuff you don't recognize in here, so just look around and don't be afraid to Google or check Worldstart's tips out if you have any questions.

Congratulations! You might not be a doctor, but you play one on PC!

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