Samsung SCH-W960 – First Phone with 3D Display

Samsung mobile introduced its first phone with 3D display, the Samsung SCH-W960 will go on sale until the end of June. The main feature of the apparatus – the possibility of demonstrating a three-dimensional images. Reportedly, the volume image to view does not need glasses, and switching between 3D-and 2D-modes, a special button.

Phone is equipped with a touch AMOLED-display with a diagonal 3.2 inches and a resolution of 240 × 400 points. In the arsenal of new items – camera with 3.2 Megapixels and Xenon flash, microSD slot with support for cards with up to 16 GB, wireless adapter Bluetooth, an accelerometer and a TV tuner.

Mention is also supporting networks GSM / HSDPA and branded user interface TouchWIZ 2.0. Size of unit – 113,9 × 53,9 × 13 mm, weight – about 121 PM. It is expected that the model SCH-W960 will be available until the end of the current quarter and initially will be available only in South Korea.

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