In Windows XP is there any ways I can add Notepad to my right-click “Send to” menu

But of course! Some time or another you will have some kind of a file that you know is just plain text. If you do it a lot, then you know that it can be kind of a pain to keep going into the Start menu and opening Notepad (the simple text editor that comes with Windows) and browse to the file each and every time. This tip will show you how to open the file in Notepad all in one shot – by using the “Send To” function.

Okay. Where is “Send To”? You know when you right-click on a file somewhere on your computer and you right-click a folder to get it to do something quickly? Say you want to print a document, copy a document to another folder, if you read the list, “Send To” is an option. Right-click it.

Depending on how your computer is set up, there will be different areas that you can send that file to. Mine looks like this:

If you notice, Notepad is not on the list. Here’s how to get it there.

First, go to your Start button and right-click it. This will bring up a menu. At the top you will see Open, and underneath it you will see Explore.

Left-click on it and a folder view of your computer pops up.

You will see that Start Menu (on the left side) is highlighted. Notice that a couple of entries up (on yours it may even be directly above it) you will see “SendTo”. Click on it so that it is highlighted and you will now see all of the shortcuts that are on the “Send To” menu are in the right pane.

Now right-click on the right-side pane and highlight “New” and then select (left-click) “Shortcut”.

On the "Create Shortcut" window, type in "notepad.exe" for the box "Type the location of the item", and then click "Next".

On the next window, type in "Notepad" for the box "Type a name for this shortcut", and then click "Finish".

That’s it! Now when you right-click a file, you will see the Notepad shortcut and will be able to read those text files with just a (right) click of your mouse.

Try it. I think you’ll like it. : )

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