Automatically Download Images in Mozilla Thunderbird

Are you a Mozilla Thunderbird user? Do you find it frustrating that you have to click a little box that says “To protect your privacy Thunderbird has blocked remote content in the message.” to see any images the email came with?

Oh yeah, it's all in the name of security, but what if you're looking to throw caution to the wind and live on the wild side?

Let's learn how we can make it so Thunderbird will show us ALL of the images!

Just click Tools>Options and click the Advanced icon at the top.

Now click “Config editor...

If you get a warning, click “I'll be careful, I promise!” to bypass it.

In the next window, scroll down until you find the value: “mailnews.message_display.disable_remote_image “ and double-click it to change it to “False

Close the config window, restart Thunderbird and you're all set! Now all the included images in your e-mail will show up!

Be careful with this one!

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