Windows 7 Taskbar

was one of the many who upgraded to Windows 7 as soon as it was released in stores. The one thing I noticed straight away after I upgraded was the new format of the taskbar. Instead of long, rectangular buttons, Windows 7 features a space-saving small button design. To be honest, I don’t particularly like the new buttons, and would love to return to the old style. I didn’t think this was possible until recently, when I chanced upon an option under Taskbar Properties to change this.

If you’re like me, and want to get a blast from the past by switching back to the old taskbar format, here’s how:

Firstly, right-click on a blank space on the Taskbar. A menu will appear... select Properties.

Select the Taskbar buttons dropdown menu and choose Combine when taskbar is full.

Click Apply and voila! Your taskbar should now look like this:

Although this isn’t the exact look that you get on Windows Vista, it’s very similar. This way, instead of a non-descriptive icon, the taskbar shows the name of the program. You still have the option to preview the window you’re planning to open by simply hovering over the icon in the taskbar, just like before.

Have fun with your new taskbar!

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