What the F-key, F1 through F4 (Extended!)

I'm back with more function keys! This time we'll be talking about extended combinations like ALT,CTRL and Shift, and how they alter each F-key's function. Just to recap, the function keys are the line of “F” keys going across the top of your keyboard going from F1 to F12.
Today we'll be covering F1 through F4.

Note: Do not expect all of these key combinations to work. Some of them may be program specific, or obsolete. If you're slamming the keys and nothing is happening, move on! :)

Shift + F1 = This reveals the formatting of the current document (MS Word)
ALT + F1 = Go to next field
ALT + Shift + F1 = Go to previous field
CTRL + ALT + F1 = Display Microsoft System Info (Appears to not work under Windows Vista)
CTRL + Shift + F1 = Change the font (Appears to not work under Windows Vista)

Shift + F2 = Copy Text
CTRL + F2 = Print preview command (MS Word)
ALT + Shift + F2 = Save command (MS Word)
CTRL + ALT + F2 = Open command (MS Word)

Shift + F3 = Changes text case in MS Word
CTRL + F3 = Program specific. Experiment with this one, but save your work first!
ALT + F3 = Creates a building block in MS Word

Shift + F4 = Repeat a find or Go To action (MS Word)
CTRL + F4 = Close the active window (MS Word)
Alt + F4 = Close the active program. If no programs are open you can shut your computer down with this combination!

Not quite as much functionality as I was expecting. Maybe the next set of F-keys will give us something a bit more substantial! Stay tuned!

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