Log In Do's and Don'ts

"Your Password or Username is Invalid. Please Try Again." Does that sound familiar? Or, how about the two images below? Do those look familiar?

Do you often get errors when you're trying to log in to certain accounts, such as your e-mail account, for instance? An error message will say something like "Your password or username is invalid. Please try again." Then, when you try again, the same thing happens. How frustrating! Well, the problem actually lies within the little things you may do without even realizing it's messing up your Internet connection. Let's check it out!

Here are some dos and don'ts you can follow when you're trying to log in to your e-mail account, etc.


- Don't hit the Submit or Log In button more than once. Or, if you're using your keyboard, only hit the Enter key once.

- Don't touch anything else after you've clicked the Log In button or hit the Enter key on your keyboard. Just let it do its thing!

- Don't touch or move your mouse until the system has finished logging you in. If you do, you may end up knocking out your Internet connection.

- Don't jump or switch to another screen, window or program while you're being logged in. That is a no no!

- Don't try or attempt to open any new programs or applications while you're trying to log in.

- Don't copy and paste your password or username into the text boxes.


- Do limit the programs you have open before trying to log in. Having too many programs open at once before you log in to an account may interfere with your connection, especially if your RAM or disk space is low. Wait until you have logged in to hook up any external devices, music programs or other applications as well. If they can wait, just wait!

- Do make sure you hit the period key ( . ) on your keyboard instead of the comma key ( , ) when logging in. You should also do that with the "n" and "m" keys. For example, one of the most common mistakes is somebody@yahoo,con, which should be somebody@yahoo.com. It is a very simple mistake to make and it is sometimes hard to catch.

- Do use the drop box if your account has one for your username. That will automatically type in your username for you and it will eliminate errors.

- Do use your mouse cursor to move from field to field or text box to text box, instead of the Tab key on your keyboard. That way, you can ensure you're always filling in the correct text box.

- Do make sure your CAPS Lock key is not activated.

Most log in accounts are case sensitive as well, so it's important that you pay attention to the letters in your username and password as you're typing them in.

If you have followed all of the above guidelines and you're still getting an error message, simply try to log in later on. Or, try logging in to your account on a different computer. If you're still getting an error message after that, you may want to contact the Administrator who maintains the accounts. They should be able to help you further.

Following the guidelines of these dos and don'ts will surely save you time and frustration in the future!

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