Download Flash Files Using Mozilla Firefox

Has there ever been a Flash movie or game you just had to have? Well, today I'm going to teach you how to use Mozilla Firefox to download SWF files! No extra software or plug-ins required!

Just browse to the website with the Flash file in question, right-click on a blank area of the page (make sure you're not right-clicking on the Flash element itself!) and choose “View Page Info”.

In the resulting window, choose the Media tab and scroll down the list until you see the Flash SWF you'd like to download (it will have .swf as the file extension.) Now Click the “Save As...” button and choose a location to save it to.

Now all you have to do is browse to where you downloaded the file to and double-click it! If Windows asks you what program to use to open the file, just use Internet Explorer.

Speaking of, look for a Flash download tip for IE coming soon!

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